java - SymmetricDS exceptions -
i'm running 2 instances of symmetricds mysql.
i have start , stop synchronizations, use:
update sym_channel set enabled=0/1;
for reason when synchronize (enabled=1
), following error:
caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlintegrityconstraintviolationexception: cannot add or update child row: foreign key constraint fails (`test_db`.`defectstdreference`, constraint `relationship72` foreign key (`improve_notice_doc_id`, `defect_id`, `client_id`) references `improvementnoticedefect` (`doc_id`, `defect_id`, `client)
yet, in time synchronization finishes successfully, exception slowing down process.
do have idea may have casued this?
have created own channels or using default?
if created own can synchronize independently of each other. result if have foreign key between 2 tables , parent table uses channela , child table uses channelb possible changes in channelb synchronize before channela causing foreign key error. @ times channelb may process after channela might explain unexpected behavior. symmetricds retry batches in error gets them in order. avoid these errors though make sure if using custom channels related tables participate in same channel.
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