Android: Send Longitude ans Latitiude after 60 seconds to the localhost server(WAMP) -

i want send longitude, latitude, timestamp , stonest wifi access point json format server (wamp- localhost) after every 60 seconds best approach that? use asynctask asynctasks should ideally used short operations (a few seconds @ most.) can give short example sending data approach asynctask?

i appreciate help.

start these tutorials

after here how repeate every 60 seconds

    boolean run=true;     handler mhandler = new handler();//sorry forgot add ... ...       public void timer() {             new thread(new runnable() {             @override             public void run() {                 while (run) {                     try {                         thread.sleep(60000);//60000 milliseconds  60 seconds                runnable() {                              @override                             public void run() {                                  //here send data server                             }                         });                     } catch (exception e) {                     }                 }             }         }).start();} 

call start it


and stop



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