java - CDI interceptor Scope annotation -


wildfly 8.1.0 cdi 1.2

according cdi specification cdi1.2, not need declare cdi in beans.xml if annotated @priority(somepriorityvalue)

however, following cdi interceptors never called unless add @dependent annotation

@requiresloggedinaccount @interceptor @priority(interceptor.priority.application) public class myinterceptor {    @aroundinvoke   public object intercept(final invocationcontext ic) throws exception {     //intercept , then...     return ic.proceed();   } } 

and interceptor binding:

@inherited @documented @interceptorbinding @target({method, type}) @retention(runtime) public @interface requiresloggedinaccount { } 

note interceptor binding , interceptor defined in different jar module used (so purpose @priority).

is have overlooked? why must add cdi's @dependent scope interceptor kick?

is because have stated in beans.xml bean-discovery-mode="annotated"

wildfly 8.1 ships weld 2.1.x (i forget x, 2.1 cdi 1.1 compliant). can apply patches upgrade weld 2.2 cdi 1.2 compliant , issue should go away you.

the behavior you're seeing consistent cdi 1.1 implementations.


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