java - When inserting a parent and its children can Hibernate set the parent id when inserting the child rather than having to update after? -

i have 2 objects

public class parent {     int id;     string name;     int set<child> children; }  public class child {     int id;     string name;     int parentid; } 

with following mapping file

<hibernate-mapping>     <class name="parent" table="parent">         <id column="id" access="field">             <generator class="identity"/>         </id>             <property name="name" column="name" access="field" />             <set name="children" access="property" cascade="all" lazy="true"  >             <key><column name="parent_id"/></key>             <one-to-many class="com.hp.autonomy.corepolicy.common.dto.lexiconexpression"/>         </set>     </class>     <class name="child" table="child">         <id column="id" access="field">             <generator class="identity"/>         </id>             <property name="name" column="name" access="field" />                     <property name="parentid" column="parent_id" access="field" not-null="true" />     </class> </hibernate-mapping> 

when save parent 1 child sql generated looks

hibernate: insert parent (id, name) values (null, ?)

hibernate: insert child (id, parent_id, name) values (null, ?, ?)

hibernate: update child set parent_id=? id=?

it seems when hibernate inserts child sets parent_id null , comes , updates after. causes problems in database , hibernate validation, schema says parent_id cannot null.

is possible have second insert statement use parent_id created when inserting parent rather coming along later , updating child?

you need change

<property name="parentid" column="parent_id" access="field" not-null="true" /> 


<many-to-one name="parent" class="change parent classname">      <column name="parent_id" not-null="true" access="field"/> </many-to-one> 

you need change child class have parent member instead of parentid , update config above accordingly.


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