javascript - Switching to Leaflet Map Doesn't Load -

i'm trying load standard leaflet map can overlay geojson file on it. map loads if use map, doesn't work leaflet. error

get 404 (not found) 

my assumption choosing different map not affect @ since i'm replacing canvas put geojson on (obviously i'm wrong). can explain me why doesn't work? code below , have commented changed maps

<!doctype html> <head>    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />    <script src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>      <style>       html, body {         width: 100%;         height: 100%;         margin: 0;         padding: 0;       }         .key path {         display: none;       }     </style> </head>  <body>    <div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>    <script>       queue()           .defer(d3.json, 'med.json')            .await(makemap)        function makemap(error, data) {         var color = d3.scale.linear()               .domain([10, 400])               .range(['#f0f0d0', '#930f16']);            // try changing coordinates 41.9, -431 , see happens           var map ='map').setview([41.9, -93.5], 4);              // error begins here **           l.tilelayer('https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {             //tried changing to: http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'               maxzoom: 18,               minzoom: 1,               attribution: 'map tiles <a href="">mapbox</a> data <a href="">openstreetmap</a>, under <a href="">cc sa</a>.'           }).addto(map);               function style(feature) {             return {                 fillcolor: color(,                 weight: 1,                 opacity: 0.2,                 color: 'black',                 fillopacity: 0.5             };           }        function highlightfeature(e) {         var layer =;         layer.setstyle({           weight: 10,           color: '#666',           dasharray: '',           fillopacity: 0.5         });         if (! && !l.browser.opera) {           layer.bringtofront();         }         info.update(;       }        var geojson;        function resethighlight(e) {         geojson.resetstyle(;         info.update();       }        function zoomtofeature(e) {         map.fitbounds(;       }        function oneachfeature(feature, layer) {         layer.on({           mouseover: highlightfeature,           mouseout: resethighlight,           click: zoomtofeature         });       }         geojson = l.geojson(data, {         style: style,         oneachfeature: oneachfeature       }).addto(map);           var info = l.control();         info.onadd = function (map) {           this._div = l.domutil.create('div', 'info');           this.update();           return this._div;         };         info.update = function (feature) {           this._div.innerhtml = (feature ?             '<b>'  + 'block id:' + + '<br>' + feature.count + ' people</b><br />'             : '');         };         info.addto(map);         };     </script> </body> 

also side note, know why if can change set view, geojson data not load? code reproduced (just above tilelayer line).

var map ='map').setview([41.9, -93.5], 4);  

make sure load mapbox map id , access token. here example of that.

first, have account on, can create project there , map-id. see access token there, too.

if use mapbox.js, easier, because can add map-id dom element.


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