regex - Vim EX command to remove non-duplicate records -
i have large file trying reduce neighboring duplicated record id lines. (it's been sorted already)
ab12345 10987654321 andy male ab12345 10987654321 andrea female cd34567 98765432100 andrea female ef45678 54321098765 bobby tables
should remove lines 3-4 leaving lines 1-2.
the following regex pattern finds duplicate lines successfully, subsequent command removes not of non-matching lines.
:/\v^(\a{2}\d{5}\s{2}\d{11}).*\n(\1.*)+ :g!/\v^(\a{2}\d{5}\s{2}\d{11}).*\n(\1.*)+/d
why aren't non-matching lines being deleted?
not vim solution, should work:
$ fgrep -f <(awk -v ofs=' ' '{print $1, $2}' data.txt | sort | uniq -d) data.txt
the <(...)
bashism, , osf=' '
has 2 spaces.
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