Using audioread on a MP3 File in Matlab -

i have trouble read mp3 file in matlab. there function audioread supposed job, doesn't work.

>> [x fs] = audioread('corner.mp3'); *** audioread: problem reading corner.mp3:too many input arguments. *** audioread: returning empty waveform 

the function work wav files without problem. don't know problem comes from, searched here , using google, without success.

have you, guys, idea ?

edit : here mp3 file :

edit 2 : using matlab 7.12.0 (r2011a) on windows 8 laptop.

edit 3 : seems matlab version old. i'm using r2014a version , works perfecly !

your answer not reproducible in matlab 2015a. hiandbaii matlab version old. use mp3 file , update newer version of matlab , work.

>> [x fs] = audioread('corner.mp3'); >> fs fs =        44100 >> size(x) ans =     12899250           2 


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