xcode - Parse/Swift getObjectInBackgroundWithId query not working -

i trying run query object in background id when run method query.getobjectinbackgroundwithid , getting error message:

"cannot invoke 'getobjectinbackgroundwithid' argument list of type (string, block: (pfobject!,nserror?) -> void" 

the same thing happens when use user.signupinbackgroundwithblock i'm thinking maybe xcode updated of features while using 'block's , maybe syntax different? ideas?

here's snippet of code:


yes!!! thank you!

the new sample code getobject is:

query.getobjectinbackgroundwithid("oaq79bhv53") {         (gamescore: pfobject?, error: nserror?) -> void in         if error == nil && gamescore != nil {             println(gamescore)         } else {             println("error")         }     } 


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