c# - Awesomium freezes / not responding -

i have traffic exchange website , want convert windows application using c# winform awesomium 1.7.5. basic setup ready there problem awesomium. after visiting few websites slows down , freezes entirely ( not responding ).

           public form1()         {             initializecomponent();              text = "traffic exchange";             windowstate = formwindowstate.maximized;             timer1 = new system.windows.forms.timer();             timer1.tick += new eventhandler(timer1_tick);             int user_id = properties.settings.default.user_id;             string user_id_s = user_id.tostring();             toolstriplabel2.text = user_id_s;              if (properties.settings.default.user_id == 0)             {                 toolstriplabel3.visible = true;                 toolstripbutton3.visible = false;             }             else             {                 toolstripbutton3.visible = true;                 toolstriplabel3.visible = false;             }          }          private void toolstripbutton3_click_1(object sender, eventargs e)         { // starting traffic traffic exchange             loadurl();             starttimer();         }            private void loadurl()         {             try             {                 string myconnection2 = "*******";                 string query = "select * ****** status = 1 , credits > 5 order rand() limit 1";                 mysqlconnection myconn2 = new mysqlconnection(myconnection2);                 mysqlcommand mycommand2 = new mysqlcommand(query, myconn2);                 myconn2.open();                 using (mysqldatareader dr = mycommand2.executereader())                 {                     while (dr.read())                     {                         string weburl = convert.tostring(dr.getvalue(*));                         string websurfsec = convert.tostring(dr.getvalue(*));                           int result = convert.toint32(websurfsec);                         int sec_to_mil = result * 1000;                         toolstriplabel5.text = websurfsec;                          //toolstripstatuslabel2.text = result.tostring();                         //toolstripstatuslabel3.text = sec_to_mil.tostring();                         webcontrol3.source = new uri(weburl);                         toolstriptextbox1.text = weburl;                         toolstriplabel6.text = toolstriptextbox1.text;                           timer1.interval = sec_to_mil; // in miliseconds                      }                 }                 myconn2.close();                 // webcore.releasememory();               //  webcontrol3.update();              //   thread.sleep(500);                }             catch (exception ex)             {                 messagebox.show(ex.message);             }          }       private void timer1_tick(object sender, eventargs e)         {             loadurl();         }       private void starttimer()         {             timer1.start();         } 

so loadurl() it's loop. when app started loads in traffic exchange website, a little bit slow works , can go form page without freezing when exchange in action ( loadurl() ) after 5 minutes app dead. i've been searching solution day , ended nothing, couldn't find solution problem.

the timer should not recreated each time loop. happening creating multiple event handlers each time loop. creating handler once in constructor , starting timer in button click routine right way.

you can change interval inside loop, avoid adding start() method call there.


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