jquery - Refresh Grid.Mvc after update data -

i have such grid mvc:

    @helper customrendering(int id) {     @*<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="location.href='@url.action("acceptrequest", "tablerequest", new { id = id })'"> accept</button>*@     <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="postaccept(@id)" id="@id"> accept</button>     <button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="setwindowid(@id)" id="@id">decline</button> } @html.grid(model).columns(columns =>                     {                                                                         columns.add(c => c.username).titled("name").filterable(true);                         columns.add(c => c.datestart).titled("datestart");                         columns.add(c => c.dateend).titled("dateend");                         columns.add(c => c.approved).titled("approved");                         columns.add(o => o.id).encoded(false).sanitized(false)                                     .titled("action")                                     .rendervalueas(o => customrendering(o.id).tohtmlstring());                                                                }).withpaging(10).sortable(true) 

and have such js script:

var tempid;                 function setwindowid(id) {             $("#dialog").dialog();             tempid = id;         }                function postmessage() {                     var message = $('textarea#commentfordecline').val();             var obj = {};             obj.mes = $('textarea#commentfordecline').val();             obj.mes = message;             obj.id = tempid;              $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: "/tablerequest/declinerequest",                             data: {'message': obj.mes, 'id': obj.id},                 success: function (msg) {                                     }             });                    $("#dialog").dialog('close');             $('textarea#commentfordecline').val('');         }          function postaccept(id){             $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: "/tablerequest/acceptrequest",                 data: {'id': id },                 success: function (msg) {                 }             });         } 

as can see js functions use buttons, may see on block @helper. send 2 post ajax call mvc actions. , i've got problem: it's necessary refresh page see updates. there way refresh grid mvc after db update?

public virtual actionresult acceptrequest(int id)         {                        using(var _db = new applicationdbcontext())             {                 shedule shedule = _db.shedules.singleordefault(x => x.id == id);                 shedule.isdirectorapproved = true;                 _db.savechanges();             }             return redirecttoaction("index");         }          [httppost]         public virtual actionresult declinerequest(string message, int id)         {             using (var _db = new applicationdbcontext())             {                 shedule shedule = _db.shedules.singleordefault(x => x.id == id);                 shedule.isdirectorapproved = false;                 shedule.message = message;                 _db.savechanges();             }             return redirecttoaction(mvc.tablerequest.actionnames.index);         } 


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