objective c - Pivot Cell in UITableView -

i'm new ios programming , i'm trying create pivot row ( or cell ) in uitableview ( know same pivot rows in ms excell ) , have main row sticks header or footer of table when scrole table , down .

i've tried search solution online not find ( perhaps i'm using wrong terminology ) . know if uitableview supports such things out of box or have create custom table view .

thank in advance.

this not built in functionality in sense of you're thinking. there might work around depending on how many rows want. if want 1 row, override method:

- (uiview *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview viewforheaderinsection:(nsinteger)section

edit: table view must have uitableview style of uitableviewstyleplain method work.

then make 1 view following down scroll table view.

custom pivot view screenshot

otherwise have implement (which yield better results, , proper customization needs).


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