php - assort merge two assorted arrays -

i trying merge 2 assorted arrays assorting result in php code have managed come with:

<?php function assotassortedarrays($a, $b){   if (empty($a)){     return $b;   }   if (empty($b)){     return $a;   }   if ($a[0] < $b[0]){     return array_merge($a[0],               array_merge(array_slice($a, 1, count($a)-1), $b));   } else {     return array_merge($b[0],              array_merge(array_slice($b, 1, count($b)-1), $a));           } }  $a = array(1,2,3,4,5); $b = array(3,4,5,6,7); var_dump(assotassortedarrays($a, $b)); 

the code not work, error getting:

warning: array_merge(): argument #1 not array in d:\web\a\sortarrays.php on line 14 

basically interpreter saying argument 1 here array_merge(array_slice($b, 1, count($b)-1), $a)); not , array, have done print_r on elements , says arrays. doing wrong?

edit, sam correct code:

function mergearrays($a, $b){     if (empty($a)){         return $b;     }     if (empty($b)){         return $a;     }     if ($a[0] < $b[0]){         $aux[] = $a[0];         return array_merge($aux, mergearrays(array_slice($a, 1, count($a)), $b));     } else {         $aux[] = $b[0];         return array_merge($aux, mergearrays(array_slice($b, 1, count($b)), $a));             } } 

i think error message might misleading, actual problem call array_merge before array_merge(array_slice(....

the values of $a[0] , $b[0] not arrays.


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