sql - "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'." -

stored procedure throws error:

error sql (error 156) [sqlstate 4200] "incorrect syntax near keyword 'where'."

the stored procedure populate table using insert statement, keep getting error when runs. i'm not sure how fix error.

here proc:

alter procedure [dbo].[buildtable]   declare @querytxt varchar(max) declare @queryname varchar(50) declare @columnval int declare @countval varchar(50)  declare @isfirst char(1) declare @currentdt varchar(20) declare @savdate datetime  begin set @isfirst = 'y';              set @currentdt = convert(varchar(20),current_timestamp,110);  declare c1 cursor select queryname, querytext subsqueries open c1   fetch next c1 @queryname, @querytxt     while @@fetch_status  = 0        begin            --call stored proc          exec informixquery @querytxt, @columnval output           set @countval = ltrim(str(@columnval))          if @isfirst = 'y'            begin               exec ('insert tblhistory (' + @queryname + ',transdate) values(' + @countval + ',' + '''' + @currentdt + '''' + ')')             set @isfirst = 'n'           end          else          begin            exec ('update tblhistory set ' + @queryname + ' = ' + @countval + ' transdate = ' + '''' + @currentdt + '''')           end       fetch next c1 @queryname, @querytxt           end close c1 deallocate c1 end 

i see there variables missing. barring that, queryname fields looks varchar column. need surround @countval quotes.

exec ('update tblhistory set ' + @queryname + ' = ''' + @countval + ''' transdate = ' + '''' + @currentdt + '''')  


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