c# - WCF Timeout Issue in iOS -
i using c# ios application have been developing. have problem timeout.
i followed @ following link http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/web_services/
so client helper
public class clienthelper { // dm service address private static readonly endpointaddress endpoint = new endpointaddress("https://xxxxxxx/aaaaa/bbbbb.svc/basic"); public static dmserviceclient createclient () { var binding = createbasichttp(); return new dmserviceclient(binding, endpoint); } private static basichttpbinding createbasichttp() { var binding = new basichttpbinding() { name = "bshttpbinding", maxreceivedmessagesize = 2147483647, maxbuffersize = 2147483647 }; binding.readerquotas = new system.xml.xmldictionaryreaderquotas() { maxarraylength = 2147483646, maxstringcontentlength = 524288045 }; var timeout = new timespan(0, 0, 2); binding.sendtimeout = timeout; binding.opentimeout = timeout; binding.receivetimeout = timeout; binding.closetimeout = timeout; binding.security.mode = basichttpsecuritymode.transport; return binding; } }
process can take more 10 seconds , set timeout 2 seconds not occured exception.
we tried in desktop app , set in appconfig file, works. in ios app, there not appconfig file give timeout manualy that.
i found answer.. interesting, there no information it..
service.innerchannel.operationtimeout = timespan.fromseconds(30.0);
so solved problem.. https://stackoverflow.com/a/10108281/1022138
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