db2 script: how to comment if I want to run the whole script at once with multiple statements? -
i have lots of sql statements in db2 , i'm putting in script , using query tool run commands after highlighting sql statements.
my comments so:
/* comments */ however, query tool complains of following:
sql0198n statement string of prepare or execute immediate statement blank or empty. sqlstate=42617
i've tried using dash dash. same issue. remember taking mysql class before , able submit full scripts instructor grade.
someone else having same issue: http://www.dbforums.com/showthread.php?1118891-how-do-i-put-comment-in-db2-udb-7-2
put sql statements inside file called script.sql
-- sample comment -- create nation table create table "tpcd "."nation" ( "n_nationkey" integer not null , "n_name" char(25) not null , "n_regionkey" integer not null , "n_comment" varchar(152) not null );
then log instance user command line:
su - db2inst1
and run script.sql
db2 -tvf script.sql
please try , see if works.
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