java - How to convert method.getGenericReturnType() to a jvm type signature -
how convert instance of java.lang.reflect.type
jvm generic type signature?
type type = method.getgenericreturntype(); string signature = totypesig(type);
for instance type:
map<string, map<?, ? super integer>>
must become string:
how people using orb.objectweb.asm.classwriter
solve this?
i've done iterating on type information. i'd prefer more robust. (i've posted own solution answer because it's bit long)
i guess want jvm signature class file (or did mean source file?)
from class following solution
public class getsignature { // method want retrieve signature map<string, map<?, ? super integer>> somemethod() { return null; } public static void main(string[] args) throws exception { // make private method in class method accessible method methodgenericsignature = method.class.getdeclaredmethod( "getgenericsignature", (class<?>[]) null ); methodgenericsignature.setaccessible(true); // signature method method method = getsignature.class.getdeclaredmethod("somemethod", (class<?>[]) null ); string returnvalue = (string) methodgenericsignature.invoke(method, (object[]) null ); system.out.println("signature: " + returnvalue); } }
signature: ()ljava/util/map<ljava/lang/string;ljava/util/map<*-ljava/lang/integer;>;>;
edit small snipped demonstrate how signature using asm.
public class getsignaturedemo { public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { inputstream = new fileinputstream("/tmp/getsignature.class"); classreader classreader = new classreader(is); classreader.accept(getclassvisitor(), 0); } private static classvisitor getclassvisitor() { return new classvisitor(opcodes.asm4) { @override public methodvisitor visitmethod(int access, string name, string descriptor, string signature, string[] exceptions) { system.out.printf( "method: %s descriptor: %s signature: %s%n", name, descriptor, signature ); return super.visitmethod(access, name, descriptor, signature, exceptions); } }; } }
sample output
method: somemethod descriptor: ()ljava/util/map; signature: ()ljava/util/map<ljava/lang/string;ljava/util/map<*-ljava/lang/integer;>;>;
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