rest - Issue with starting application Spring MVC + Grunt + JHipster + AngularJS -
i using spring mvc in restful web aplication run using maven. have 2 profiles:
development profile, works on hsql , oracle. build application, , works great.
production profile, using grunt javascript task runner, minification javascript, css , html files.
when run application in "prod" profile, maven building application using grunt. grunt job properly, change files based on configuration in gruntfile.js. files changed , saved in dist folder, , new index.html file created references newly generated css , javascript files. build app successfully.
the problem is, when start app on http://localhost:8080, load css , javascript files dist folder , make call get login, stuck here (using firebug in firefox browser):
not 1 rest call made application. when start application in working dev profile, first call rest/authenticate, in prod profile, never gets there. when turn on logs spring framework, can see antpathrequestmatcher gets stuck after checking favicon.ico, , never gets rest/authenticate. seams javascript code not initialized can make rest calls?!
i think made configuration in,, can't resolve issue.
if had similar problem, appreciate if he/she helps me. thanks.
yes, sounds javascript isn't running. errors in firebug console?
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