ruby on rails - I have a rake task that send's out email notifications how can I group them -

i have rake task sends out email notifications based on entries table:

if approve_disapprove has "3" (3 means 'pending') send out email person approves entry entry still pending.

the problem if there multiple entries go through , find each entry 3 approve_disapprove , send out email each one.

so if have 5 entries , when task goes through next day , sees still marked 3 send 5 emails approver.

how can group chunks of them based off other column in entry table called section. if chunked or grouped of entries 3 pending , grouped them section name send 1 email 5 request in manager section?

here entry model has check_pending task

def self.check_pending # goes through each entry , looks @ approve_disapprove if 3 pending sent alert employees manager.    check_pending = entry.where(approve_disapprove: 3)                         check_pending.each |entry|       entrymailer.check_pending(entry).deliver   end end 

this entry mailer check pending

class entrymailer < actionmailer::base    def check_pending(entry)     @entry = entry      mail to: @entry.emp_mail_addr, subject: '(test) have pending time off requests require approval or disapproval'   end end 

and check_pending mailer view

hello  #{@entry.mgr_name}    following time off request pending please approve or disapprove once have made decision.    %li   %span.u= @entry.emp_first_name   %span.u= @entry.emp_last_name  %li dept  %li= @entry.emp_dept  %li leave start  %li= @entry.leave_start.strftime('%m/%d/%y')  %li leave end  %li= @entry.leave_end.strftime('%m/%d/%y')  %li type of request  %li= @entry.indirect_id 

and rake task

 desc "looks @ pending request if still marked pending sends email manager request"  task :check_pending => :environment "check pending: finding pending."    entry.check_pending "found pending: check complete."    rails.logger.flush  end 

extra info

entry table columns

  table "entries"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"     t.string   "emp_id"     t.string   "emp_no"     t.string   "emp_first_name"     t.string   "emp_last_name"     t.string   "emp_mail_addr"     t.string   "indirect_id"     t.string   "mgr_no"     t.string   "mgr_first_name"     t.string   "mgr_last_name"     t.string   "mgr_mail_addr"     t.datetime "leave_start"     t.string   "employee_type"     t.integer  "seq_no",                t.decimal  "range_days",             t.string   "alt_mgr_no"     t.string   "alt_mgr_name"     t.string   "alt_mgr_addr"     t.string   "emp_dept"     t.datetime "leave_end"     t.string   "approve_disapprove"     t.string   "section" 

the problem here need entry object information entry, you'd have re-write logic of view.

firstly, define couple of scopes in entry model:

class entry < activerecord::base #i'm assuming ar here   scope :pending, -> { where(approve_disapprove: 3) }   scope :for_section, ->(section) { where(section: section) } end 

then change rake task group on section , pass in relation, rather single entry:

def self.check_pending    sections = entry.pending.pluck(:section).uniq                        sections.each |section|       entries = entry.pending.for_section(section)       entrymailer.check_pending(entries).deliver   end end 

you'll need modify mailer:

class entrymailer < actionmailer::base    def check_pending(entries)     @entries = entries     emails =',') #may not need if email same, grab first @entries.first.enp_addr     mail to: emails, subject: '(test) have pending time off requests require approval or disapproval'   end end 

and view need iterate through these:

hello  #{@entries.first.mgr_name}    following time off request pending please approve or disapprove once have made decision.  - @entries.each |entry|    %li     %span.u= entry.emp_first_name #note change @entry entry     ... 


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