java - getting the urls from the dependencies resolved by Aether -

i using aether resolve maven dependencies. after following this example on aether example

public static void main( string[] args )     throws exception {     system.out.println( "------------------------------------------------------------" );     system.out.println( getdirectdependencies.class.getsimplename() );      repositorysystem system = booter.newrepositorysystem();      repositorysystemsession session = booter.newrepositorysystemsession( system );      artifact artifact = new defaultartifact( "org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:1.0.0.v20140518" );      artifactdescriptorrequest descriptorrequest = new artifactdescriptorrequest();     descriptorrequest.setartifact( artifact );     descriptorrequest.setrepositories( booter.newrepositories( system, session ) );      artifactdescriptorresult descriptorresult = system.readartifactdescriptor( session, descriptorrequest );      ( dependency dependency : descriptorresult.getdependencies() )     {         system.out.println( dependency );     } } 

this gives me list<dependencies>. how able files these dependencies of artifacts?


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