javascript - Creating popup window with form content and then show output in parent page and send to database -

i have table , in of it's column want user when click on button inside column pop window appear have checkboxes , after user checked checkbox appear output in same column have button post these values of selected checkboxes , user name database (php). i'm beginner , wish me.

help.html code :

<html> <head> <script language="javascript"> mypopup = '';  function openpopup(url) { mypopup =,'popupwindow','width=640,height=480'); if (!mypopup.opener)      mypopup.opener = self; } </script> </script> </head> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <th> user name </th> <th>product selected</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="text"/></td> <td> <button onclick="openpopup('f.html')">select</button></td> </body> </html> 

and f.html code:

<html> <head> </head> <body> <form name="popupform"> <input type="checkbox" >cell phone</br> <input type="checkbox" >tv</br> <input type="checkbox" >book</br> <input type="button" value="submit"> </form> </body> 

with angularjs this:

  • get data server ajax request. in demo i've used static data reduce complexity.
  • create ng-repeat create table
  • add selected data stored in array table cell.
  • make list clickable adding ng-click opens bootstrap modal table cell or wrap selected data in button.
  • in modal create form ng-repeat selected products. testing if current item clicked can done array.indexof(item) !== -1 returns true if item in array.
  • with every click checkboxes update product array.
  • after ok button click, close modal , post updated data server ajax request. (a check if data have changed good.)

you with-out angularjs think there have lot more code behaviour.

please find demo below (it not working here because seems bootstrap.ui uses cookies not allowed @ so) , here @ jsfiddle. check @ jsfiddle. there works.

(i'm pretty new javascript , angularjs, code not perfect, works.)

there somethings improved e.g. work services ajax requests.

there 1 bug in script: cancel click not working expected. data changed cancel click. can fix working copy of scope data or restore original data if cancel clicked.

var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ui.bootstrap']);    app.controller('maincontroller', function($scope, $modal, $log) {      $scope.products = ['coffee', 'beer', 'wine', 'tea', 'milk'];        // userdata later server $http.get('/phpscript').success(...)      // dummy userdata here because no backend available          $scope.userdata = [          {              name: 'john doe',              selectedproducts: [                  'coffee',                  'beer',                  'wine']          },          {              name: 'jane doe',              selectedproducts: [                  'coffee',                  'tea']          }      ];            $scope.changeproducts = function(userdata) {          //$scope.items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3'];            var modalinstance = ${              templateurl: 'mymodalcontent.html',              controller: 'modalinstancectrl',                            //size: size,              resolve: {                  user: function() {                      return userdata;                  },                  selectedproducts: function() {                      return userdata.selectedproducts;                  },                  products: function () {                      //console.log($scope.selectedproducts);                      return $scope.products; // available products                  }              }          });                    modalinstance.result.then(function (selecteditems) {              //products = selecteditems;          }, function () {              $'modal dismissed at: ' + new date());          });      };  });    app.controller('modalinstancectrl', function ($scope, $http, $modalinstance, products, selectedproducts, user) {      //console.log('user', user);    $scope.products = products;          $scope.selected = selectedproducts;      $scope.chkchange = function(item) {        console.log(item);        var index  = $scope.selected.indexof(item);        if (index > -1) {            $scope.selected.splice(index, 1);        }        else {            // not selected --> have add            $scope.selected.push(item);        }        console.log($scope.selected);    };    //console.log(selectedproducts);    $scope.ok = function () {        // prepare sending sever        // --> check here if data have changed or not (not implemented yet)                console.log('new selection', $scope.selected);        var data = $.param({              json: json.stringify({                  user:,                  products: $scope.selected              })          });                $'/echo/json/', data)            .success(function(data, status) {                console.log('posted following data:', data);            });                $modalinstance.close();//); $scope.selected.item);    };      $scope.cancel = function () {      $modalinstance.dismiss('cancel');    };  });    //custom filter display selected products.  app.filter('array', function() {      return function(input) {          //console.log(input);          return input.join(', ');      };  });
body {      padding: 5px;  }
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>  <div ng-app="myapp">  <div ng-controller="maincontroller">      <script type="text/ng-template" id="mymodalcontent.html">          <!-- template modal -->              <div class="modal-header">                  <h3 class="modal-title">choose products!</h3>              </div>              <div class="modal-body">                  <form>                      <div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="item in products">                          <label>                               <input type="checkbox" ng-click="chkchange(item)" ng-checked="selected.indexof(item) !== -1"/>                              {{item}}                          </label>                      </div>                      </form>              </div>              <div class="modal-footer">                  <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()">ok</button>                  <button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="cancel()">cancel</button>              </div>          </script>            <table class="table">          <tr>              <th>user name</th>              <th>products selected</th>          </tr>          <tr ng-repeat="user in userdata">              <td>{{}}</td>              <td><button ng-click="changeproducts(user)">{{( user.selectedproducts | array ) || 'nothing selected!' }}</button></td>          </tr>       </table>  </div>  </div>


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