xterm -e not terminating when script finishes execution -

i'm running 2 levels of xterms. in first level run "xterm -e bsub -ip master.tcl". master.tcl script invokes yet xterm "xterm -e bsub -ip slave.tcl".

from reason, when slave.tcl finishes executing, second xterm not closing. however, second xterm display following message once slave script finishes: << jobexitinfo: job <128309> done successfully. >>

also, when looking @ lsf system, job not appear, if finished. xterm window stays open, instead of closing.

any idea why?


it unlikely xterm stay open unless there still running there.

i'd check (using ps -ef instance) see processes still running in remaining xterm. xterm still open if there running, e.g., waiting input.

using ps -ef (assuming not bsd system), see listing heading this:

uid        pid  ppid  c stime tty          time cmd 

and later in listing, relevant information, e.g.,

tom       3647 20185  0 06:17 pts/2    00:00:00 sh -c xterm -e vile  tom       3648  3647  0 06:17 pts/2    00:00:00 xterm -e vile  tom       3649  3648  0 06:17 pts/3    00:00:00 vile  tom       3650  3649  0 06:17 pts/3    00:00:00 sh -c ps -ef  tom       3651  3650  0 06:17 pts/3    00:00:00 ps -ef   

xterm's process-id (pid) place start. found in ppid (parent's process-id) column @ least 1 other place. in turn, process's pid may used in further child-processes.

bsd systems use different set of options (see freebsd example), in general can obtain necessary information ps.


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