java api - Extract polygon geometry from citygml data using citygml4j library -

i have buildings' information stored in citygml file. trying extract building's polygon geometry using citygml4j library. have looked @ featurewalker class, unable polygon geometry.

how go doing this? here code:

    citygmlcontext ctx = new citygmlcontext();     citygmlbuilder builder = ctx.createcitygmlbuilder();      citygmlinputfactory in = builder.createcitygmlinputfactory();     citygmlreader reader = in.createcitygmlreader(new file("/home/vishal/nww/sampledata/lod2_building_v100.gml"));      while(reader.hasnext())     {         citygml citygml = reader.nextfeature();         system.out.println("found class:" + citygml.getcitygmlclass() + "\nversion"+citygml.getcitygmlmodule().getversion());          //counting no of buildings         citymodel citymodel = new citymodel();         if(citygml.getcitygmlclass() == citygmlclass.city_model)         {             citymodel = (citymodel)citygml;             // counting no of buildings             int count=0;             for(cityobjectmember cityobjectmember : citymodel.getcityobjectmember())             {                 abstractcityobject cityobject = cityobjectmember.getcityobject();                 if(cityobject.getcitygmlclass() == citygmlclass.building)                 {                     ++count;                 }             }             system.out.println("building count"+count);         }          featurewalker walker = new featurewalker(){             public void visit(building building){                 system.out.println(building.getid());                 //multisurface multisurface = boundrysurface.getlod2multisurface().getmultisurface();                 //system.out.println(multisurface.getsurfacemember().get(0));                 list<boundarysurfaceproperty> list = building.getboundedbysurface();                 system.out.println(list);                 system.out.println(list.get(0).getboundarysurface());                 //how polygon , coordinates??             }         };         citymodel.accept(walker); 

ps: if have other resources/tutorials on citygml4j library, kindly let me know.


you can search abstractboundarysurfaces directly, this:

featurewalker walker = new featurewalker() {         @override         public void visit(abstractboundarysurface boundarysurface) {                 multisurfaceproperty lod2multisurface = boundarysurface.getlod2multisurface();                 if (lod2multisurface != null) {                         multisurface multisurface = lod2multisurface.getmultisurface();                         if (multisurface == null) {                                 // something!                         }                          list<surfaceproperty> surfacemember = multisurface.getsurfacemember();                         (surfaceproperty surfaceproperty : surfacemember) {                                 abstractsurface abstractsurface = surfaceproperty.getobject();                                 if (abstractsurface instanceof polygon) {                                         polygon polygon = (polygon) abstractsurface;                                         // polygon!                                 }                                 // check other subtypes of abstractsurface                         }                 }                 // process lod3 , lod4                 super.visit(boundarysurface);             } }; building.accept(walker); 

then can traverse down tree , polygons.


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