php - How to save encrypted data using Yii2 ActiveRecord and ActiveForm -

i have web application allowing users log in (s)ftp servers. s(ftp) servers credential data stored mysql database. passwords encrypted using php mcrypt function , rijndael_256 algorithm.

i know possible password field in edit server form empty , password updated in database when new password written user in activeform field.

here serverscontroller.php file:

public function actionadd() {     $addftpconnectionform = new addftpconnectionform();     if ($addftpconnectionform->load(yii::$app->request->post())) {         if ($addftpconnectionform->addconnection(yii::$app->user->identity->member_id)) {             yii::$app->session->setflash('alert-success', 'ftp сървърът беше успешно добавен.');         } else {             yii::$app->session->setflash('alert-danger', 'Възникна грешка при добавянето на ftp сървъра.');         }         $this->redirect(url::toroute('servers/list'));     }     return $this->render('add', [                 'addftpconnectionform' => $addftpconnectionform,                 'currentconnection' => $this->currentconnection,                 'isconnected' => $this->isconnected,     ]); }  public function actionedit() {         $serverid = yii::$app->request->get('id');         $serverinfo = $this->ftpconnectionsmodel->getftpconnection($serverid);          if ($serverinfo) {             if ($serverinfo->load(yii::$app->request->post())) {                 if ($this->ftpconnectionsmodel->editconnection($serverinfo)) {                     yii::$app->session->setflash('alert-success', 'Сървърът беше успешно редактиран.');                 } else {                     yii::$app->session->setflash('alert-danger', 'Възникна грешка при редактирането на сървъра.');                 }                 $this->redirect(url::toroute('servers/list'));             } else {                 return $this->render('edit', [                             'currentconnection' => $this->currentconnection,                             'serverinfo' => $serverinfo,                             'isconnected' => $this->isconnected,                 ]);             }         } else {             yii::$app->session->setflash('alert-info', 'Избраният сървър не съществува.');             $this->redirect(url::toroute('servers/list'));         }     } 

here methods of ftpconnections.php model:

public function addconnection($memberid, $type, $host, $username, $password, $port, $dir) {         $this->member_id = $memberid;         $this->type = $type;         $this->host = $host;         $this->username = $username;         $this->password = mcrypt::mcencrypt($password, yii::$app->params['mcrypt']['encryption_key']);         $this->port = $port;         $this->dir = $dir;         return $this->save();     }      public function editconnection($serverinfo) {         return $serverinfo->save();     } 

addconnection method ok, how can encrypt password in editconnection model.

and here edit server view:

<div class="the-box">             <?= $this->render('../layouts/partials/flash') ?>             <?php             $activeform = activeform::begin([                         'options' => ['role' => 'add-ftp'],                         'enableclientvalidation' => true                     ])             ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'type')->begin() ?>             <?= html::activelabel($serverinfo, 'type') ?>             <?= html::activedropdownlist($serverinfo, 'type', ['ftp' => 'ftp', 'sftp' => 'sftp'], ['class' => 'form-control chosen-select', 'data-placeholder' => 'Изберете тип връзка']) ?>             <?= html::error($serverinfo, 'type', ['class' => 'help-block']) ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'type')->end() ?>              <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'host')->begin() ?>             <?= html::activelabel($serverinfo, 'host') ?>             <?= html::activetextinput($serverinfo, 'host', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Въведете адрес на сървъра']) ?>             <?= html::error($serverinfo, 'host', ['class' => 'help-block']) ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'host')->end() ?>              <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'port')->begin() ?>             <?= html::activelabel($serverinfo, 'port') ?>             <?= html::activetextinput($serverinfo, 'port', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Въведете порт']) ?>             <?= html::error($serverinfo, 'port', ['class' => 'help-block']) ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'port')->end() ?>              <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'username')->begin() ?>             <?= html::activelabel($serverinfo, 'username') ?>             <?= html::activetextinput($serverinfo, 'username', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Въведете потребител']) ?>             <?= html::error($serverinfo, 'username', ['class' => 'help-block']) ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'username')->end() ?>              <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'password')->begin() ?>             <?= html::activelabel($serverinfo, 'password') ?>             <?= html::activepasswordinput($serverinfo, 'password', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Въведете парола']) ?>             <?= html::error($serverinfo, 'password', ['class' => 'help-block']) ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'password')->end() ?>              <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'dir')->begin() ?>             <?= html::activelabel($serverinfo, 'dir') ?>             <?= html::activetextinput($serverinfo, 'dir', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Въведете директория']) ?>             <?= html::error($serverinfo, 'dir', ['class' => 'help-block']) ?>             <?= $activeform->field($serverinfo, 'dir')->end() ?>              <?= html::submitbutton('Редактирай', ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>             <?= html::resetbutton('Изчисти', ['type' => 'reset', 'class' => 'btn btn-danger']) ?>             <?php activeform::end()             ?>         </div> 


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