ruby - Beginner array iteration & error code interpretation -

i kept getting following error. after research assumed because array access throwing error due (mistakenly) having nil value.

my_solution.rb:24:in `count_between': undefined method `>=' nil:nilclass        (nomethoderror) my_solution.rb:35:in `<main>' 

i'm new reading error codes, perhaps that's went wrong. got tunnel vision on line 24, error suggested. couldn't fix it, out of desperation wound randomly changing (<=) on line 23 (<). fixed it.

  1. why did fix it? guess using (<=) made iterate "too far" , somehow returned nil?

  2. why did error code element on line 24 causing issue, when element on line 23? i'm new , trying less intimated error codes, curious experience.

thanks guidance.

# count_between method 3 arguments: #   1. array of integers #   2. integer lower bound #   3. integer upper bound # # returns number of integers in array between lower , upper           # bounds, # including (potentially) bounds. # # if +array+ empty method should return 0 # solution below:  def count_between(list_of_integers, lower_bound, upper_bound) if list_of_integers.empty?    return 0 else    count = 0    index = 0     ##line 23##     while index <= list_of_integers.length     ##line24##         if list_of_integers[index] >= lower_bound &&            list_of_integers[index] <= upper_bound              count += 1             index += 1        else             index += 1        end     end   return count end end  puts count_between([1,2,3], 0, 100) 

the last index that's <= list_of_integers.length outside of array, since first index of array 0 , last array.length - 1.

the reason error says line 24 line 23 works fine --- computes value of index less or equal the length of array. once try , reference element @ index in array, however, it's assigned nil - , can't perform >= operation on nil.

one thing might helpful here firing irb. if try reference element that's out of bounds, you'll nil. if try , perform operation (that's not listed in nil.methods) on same reference, it'll throw error you're seeing.


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