javascript - Pebble return carriages working on emulator but not on watch -
i have pebble smartwatch watchface gets text textarea in app's config page (html page), , puts value text layer on watchface.
unfortunately there 2 things cause not work intended (hopefully they'll both solved 1 solution):
1) return carriages (eg. \n don't work on text layer, instead of moving new line displays '\n' character 2) unpaired ' (apostrophes) , " (quotation marks) don't update page (i.e don't work)
i'm not amazing @ working communication between watchface , config else seems work fine apart 1 issue. below path took getting text text area text layer.
relevant script (in config.html)
[]"#save"), function(e1) { e1.addeventlistener("click", function() { console.log(saveoptions()); var return_to = getqueryparam('return_to', 'pebblejs://close#'); document.location = return_to + encodeuricomponent(json.stringify(saveoptions())); }); });
relevant javascript (script.js)
pebble.addeventlistener('webviewclosed', function(e) { var options = json.parse(decodeuricomponent(e.response)); message = options.message; var dict = { 'message_data' : message }; //send string pebble pebble.sendappmessage(dict, function(e) { console.log("send successful."); }, function(e) { console.log("send failed!"); }); }
relevant main.c:
static void inbox_received_callback(dictionaryiterator *iterator, void *context) { app_log(app_log_level_info, "message received!"); // first pair tuple *t = dict_read_first(iterator); // process pairs present while(t != null) { // process pair's key switch (t->key) { case message_data: snprintf(message_buffer, sizeof(message_buffer), "%s", t->value->cstring); app_log(app_log_level_info, "message_data received value %d", (int)t->value->int32); break; default: app_log(app_log_level_error, "key %d not recognized!", (int)t->key); break; } // next pair, if t = dict_read_next(iterator); } }
edit: adding message.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ');
didn't work solve problem 1 :/
i think lost in translation between js , c, since c will display return carriages correctly. should consider using special character replace return carriages # or $ won't appear in actual message want send. then, iterate through character array in c , replace instances of special character \n.
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