JSON decoding in PERL - Maintaining the original data type -

i writing simple perl script read json file , insert mongodb. facing issues json decoding. non-string values in original json getting converted object type after decode_json.

input json(only part of since it's original huge) -

{    "_id": 2006010100000801089,     "show_image" : false,    "event" : "publish",    "publish_date" :1136091600,    "data_version" : 1 } 

json gets inserted mongodb -

{    "_id": numberlong("2006010100000801089"),     "show_image" : bindata(0,"ma=="),    "event" : "publish",    "publish_date" :numberlong(1136091600),    "data_version" : numberlong(1) } 

i providing custom _id documents, want converted numberlong type. working expected can see json above. notice how other non-string values show_image, publish_date , data_version got converted it's object representation.
there way can retain original type these values?

perl code snipper insert -

use mongodb; use mongodb::oid; use json; use json::xs while(my $record = <$source_file>) {   $record_decoded = decode_json($record);   $db_collection->insert($record_decoded); } 

perl version used v5.18.2.

i looked json::xs docs couldn't find way this. appreciated. in advance!

i new perl. sorry if trivial question.

i providing custom _id documents, want converted numberlong type. working expected can see json above. notice how other non-string values show_image, publish_date , data_version got converted it's object representation.

from example of data types matching aside boolean value show_image being converted binary data.

it expected numeric types displayed numberlong or numberint when queried mongo shell. mongo shell uses javascript, has single numeric type of number (64-bit floating point). shell helpers numberlong() , numberint() used represent values in mongodb's bson data types not have native javascript equivalent.

referring sample json, want value of show_image inserted false instead of bindata(0,"ma==") , publish_date inserted 1136091600 instead of numberlong(1136091600)

while it's ok insert publish_date unixtime if suits use case, may find more useful use mongodb's date type instead. there convenience methods querying dates including date aggregation operators. fyi, date fields displayed in mongo shell isodate() wrapper.

the boolean value show_image needs assist, though.

if use data::dumper inspect result decode_json(), see show_image field blessed object:

'show_image' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'json::pp::boolean' ) 

in order expected boolean value in mongodb, recommended approach in mongodb module docs use boolean module (see: mongodb::datatypes).

i couldn't find obvious built-in option json or json::xs support serialising booleans other json emulated boolean class, 1 solution use data::clean::base module part of data::clean::json distribution.

sample snippet (excluding mongodb set up):

use data::clean::base; use boolean;  $cleanser = data::clean::base->new(     'json::xs::boolean' => ['call_func', 'boolean::boolean'],     'json::pp::boolean' => ['call_func', 'boolean::boolean'] );  while (my $record = <$source_file>) {     $record_decoded = decode_json($record);     $cleanser->clean_in_place($record_decoded);     $db_collection->insert($record_decoded); } 

sample record saved in mongodb 3.0.2:

{   "_id": numberlong("2006010100000801089"),   "event": "publish",   "data_version": numberlong("1"),   "show_image": false,   "publish_date": numberlong("1136091600") } 


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