Remove prefix from posted data in mvc -

i have view looks below. each field has prefix attached in name property, model in backend has property without prefix.

@using (html.beginform("save", "home", {     @html.validationsummary(true)     <fieldset>         <input type="hidden" name="prefix" value="prefix"/>         <input type="text" id="" name=""/>         <input type="submit" value="submit" />     </fieldset> } 

my action method looks below :

public actionresult save([modelbinder(typeof(custommodelbinder))]employee employee)         {             throw new notimplementedexception();         } 

my model looks :

public class employee     {         public string name { get; set; }     } 

can me how achieve through custom model binder, want strip prefix each of posted form items name.

posted form data :

prefix:prefix world!! 

i tried below code it's not working. can explain whats wrong here.

public actionresult save([bind(prefix = "prefix")]employee employee)         {             throw new notimplementedexception();         } 

try adding binding prefix value, this:

public actionresult setpassword([bind(prefix = "form")] usersetpasswordform form) {     if (!modelstate.isvalid)     {         ....     }      ... } 


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