c# - How can I tell that my program is under unit test environment -
i have console application. in release environment, works @ time. when in ide debug environment, don't want console window close, added function, , calling in end of program.
[conditional("debug")] public static void debugwaitakey(string message = "press key") { console.writeline(message); console.readkey(); }
it works me, when debug program. unit testing, still wait key before exiting!
the work-around unit-testing release edition of program, or test other functions. want can identify current session under unit testing, , use flag in function.
i believe this should answer question. took class there , adapted situation.
/// <summary> /// detects if running inside unit test. /// </summary> public static class unittestdetector { static unittestdetector() { string testassemblyname = "microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.unittestframework"; unittestdetector.isinunittest = appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies() .any(a => a.fullname.startswith(testassemblyname)); } public static bool isinunittest { get; private set; } }
then added line method if running test not hit console.readkey();
[conditional("debug")] public static void debugwaitakey(string message = "press key") { console.writeline(message); if(!unittestdetector.isinunittest) console.readkey(); }
note: considered hack , not considered best practice.
edit: created sample project on github demonstrate code. https://github.com/jeffweiler8770/unittest
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