excel - Can I use VBA to update a textfile or directly into access? -

i'm new programing in general , vba in particular. though have been assigned construct program. have managed of it, , thought finished until tested. program stopwatch started , stopped monitor process. data, kind of process monitored , how long time took, should saved , program should reset , ready next person monitor process. has worked quite okey, file saved excel-file timestamp make file unique.

the problem have lot of different excel-files , problem compare them. therefore instead of saving them different excel-files save textfile continuously update every time operator saves. mean recorded data should saved new row in in textfile. have managed overwrite data in textfile, means 1 row updated.

i have tried put data directly access can't hang of it. think problem excel-file changes name when saved. while writing realize might work if keep same name of file , store data in access. try when chance if there better solution i'm ears.

keep in mind i'm new if possible simple solution/tip nice. :)


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