javascript - How to differ inputs with same class? -
i have 1 button duplicates line choose more products. html:
<td> <input type="hidden" class="cod_linha" name="cod_linha[]"style="width: 100%;" /> <input type="text" name="linha[]" class="linha" style="width: 100%;" /> </td>
the problem is, have 2 functions find product , other fill fields want automatically, have differ filled field of empty field ? tried this:
var table = $('#tabelapedido'); $(table).each(function() { if($(this).find('input.linha').val()=== ''){ executes function fill fields , add new line. } else{ }
and :
var counter = $(table).find("input.linha").length; for(var =0; < counter; i++){ if($(table).find('input.linha').eq(i).val()== ''{}
but codes don't fill other empty line. see imagem :
my code fill fields :
function preenchercamposproduto(obj) { var table = $('#tabelapedido'); $(table).each(function() { if($(this).find('input.linha').val()=== '' && $(this).find('input.ref').val()=== '' && $(this).find('input.material').val()=== '' && $(this).find('input.cor').val()=== '' && $(this).find('input.descricao_marca').val()=== ''){ $.ajax({type: "post", url: '/pedidoonline/index.php/pedidos/pesquisarcamposproduto', async: false, data: { cd_cpl_tamanho: obj }, datatype: 'json', success: function(data) { var linhaid = data[0].idlinha; var linhalabel = data[0].labellinha; var refid = data[0].idref; var reflabel = data[0].labelref; var corid = data[0].idcor; var corlabel = data[0].labelcor; var marcaid = data[0].idmarca; var marcalabel = data[0].labelmarca; var materialid = data[0].idmaterial; var materiallabel = data[0].labelmaterial;` var table = $('#tabelapedido'); $(table).each(function() { $(this).find('input.cod_linha').val(linhaid); $(this).find('input.linha').val(linhalabel); $(this).find('input.cod_ref').val(refid); $(this).find('input.ref').val(reflabel); $(this).find('input.cod_material').val(materialid); $(this).find('input.material').val(materiallabel); $(this).find('input.cod_cor').val(corid); $(this).find('input.cor').val(corlabel); $(this).find('input.id_marca').val(marcaid); $(this).find('input.descricao_marca').val(marcalabel); }); } }); chamaadicionarcampo(); }else{ console.log('entrei no else'); } }); }
thanks lot.
i've read code , wrote a sample code in jsfiddle, things writing about. in solution use css selector #tabelapedido tr:last
select last added row, , write values fields in row.
hope helps.
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