scala - Lift RestHelper don't receive my request -

i tried create simple resthelper "hello world" example i'm having trouble. when start container container:start command,

serve {     case nil _ => extraction.decompose("hello restful world!")   } 

is not invoked in resthelper extension. following message: "the requested url / not found on server"

so, seems reason lift ignores


line in bootstrap.boot.boot definition. , have absolutely no clue why happens.

here's boot class:

package bootstrap  import net.liftweb.http.liftrules import com.yac.restfultest.service  class boot {   def boot {     liftrules.statelessdispatch.append(service)   } } 

and here's service:

package com.yac.restfultest  import import net.liftweb.json.extraction  object service extends resthelper {    serve {     case nil _ => extraction.decompose("hello restful world!")   }  } 

and in case helps here's web.xml:

<!doctype web-app system ""> <web-app>     <filter>         <filter-name>liftfilter</filter-name>         <display-name>lift filter</display-name>         <description>the filter intercepts lift calls</description>         <filter-class>net.liftweb.http.liftfilter</filter-class>     </filter>     <filter-mapping>         <filter-name>liftfilter</filter-name>         <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>     </filter-mapping> </web-app> 

and in case of above not enough here build.sbt:

name := "testrest"  version := "1.0"  scalaversion := "2.11.6"  resolvers ++= seq("snapshots" @ "",   "releases" @ "" )  jetty()  librarydependencies ++= {    val liftversion = "2.6.2"    seq(     "net.liftweb" %% "lift-webkit" % liftversion % "compile"   )  } 

as can see it's minimalistic lift project setup possible. still can't working. appreciated.

and here's sbt log on container:start:

[info] compiling 1 scala source /home/yac/ideaprojects/testrest/target/scala-2.11/classes... [info] packaging /home/yac/ideaprojects/testrest/target/scala-2.11/testrest_2.11-1.0.jar ... [info] done packaging. [info] starting server ... [success] total time: 2 s, completed apr 22, 2015 7:51:25 pm > 2015-04-22 19:51:25.640:info::main: logging initialized @44ms 2015-04-22 19:51:25.646:info:oejr.runner:main: runner 2015-04-22 19:51:25.726:info:oejs.server:main: jetty-9.2.1.v20140609 2015-04-22 19:51:29.818:warn:oeja.annotationconfiguration:main: servletcontainerinitializers: detected. class hierarchy: empty slf4j: failed load class "org.slf4j.impl.staticloggerbinder". slf4j: defaulting no-operation (nop) logger implementation slf4j: see further details. 2015-04-22 19:51:30.405:info:oejsh.contexthandler:main: started o.e.j.w.webappcontext@32e377c7{/,file:/home/yac/ideaprojects/testrest/target/webapp/,available}{file:/home/yac/ideaprojects/testrest/target/webapp/} 2015-04-22 19:51:30.406:warn:oejsh.requestloghandler:main: !requestlog 2015-04-22 19:51:30.417:info:oejs.serverconnector:main: started serverconnector@7a601e4{http/1.1}{} 2015-04-22 19:51:30.418:info:oejs.server:main: started @4848ms 

so, turns out it's usual noobish non-attentiveness. package, containing boot.scala should called bootstrap.liftweb , not bootstrap in case.

and yes, suggested jcern should "index" :: nil in routing pattern.


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