Android-L issue: onBackpressed when using FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT to launch previous activity & freezes app for sometime -

my application has strange behaviour

i proved issue following steps on android l o.s. devices nexus 7 or moto g.

  1. the app starts activity a, shows button called "launch b".
  2. press button -- executes startactivity(flag_activity_reorder_to_front, activityb.class).
  3. activity b becomes active, ui , backhand loading operation on ui thread.
  4. after pressing activity b, onbackpressed of activity b, executes startactivity(flag_activity_reorder_to_front, activitya.class).
  5. activity a's onresume() called expected , looks fine (i can see activity content again).
  6. press device's key , app freezes around 10 seconds or more , comes out of application. without calling onpause(), ondestroy(). (so may anr logs)
  7. sometime or may repeating same above step 4-5 times unfortunately force close googlequicksearchbox

after looking @ system logs: found important logs:

e/activitymanager(  958): reason: input dispatching timed out (waiting because no window has focus there focused application may add window when finishes starting up.) 

important logs: have look

d/sfperftracer(  278):        layers: (2:12) (focusedstackframe (0xb8fa6b48): 0:637)* (dimlayer (0xb8fa95c0): 0:14)* (dimlayer (0xb8fe63b0): 0:510)* (dimlayer (0xb8fb7228): 0:213)* (statusbar (0xb8fd10c0): 0:5421)* ( (0xb8fd6a28): 0:454)* (navigationbar (0xb8fbaa18): 8:744) ( (0xb8fbbca8): 0:86)- ( (0xb8fd3560): 0:25)- (thumbnail anim (0xb8ff72b0): 0:12)- ( (0xb8ffb570): 14:34)   i/launchcheckinhandler(  958): displayed,wp,wa,286  i/windowmanager(  958): input event dispatching timed out sending application appwindowtoken{23d5f06c token=token{299ea51f activityrecord{2f0940be u0 t4}}}.  reason: waiting because no window has focus there focused application may add window when finishes starting up.  i/windowmanager(  958): input event dispatching timed out sending application appwindowtoken{23d5f06c token=token{299ea51f activityrecord{2f0940be u0 t4}}}.  reason: waiting because no window has focus there focused application may add window when finishes starting up.  e/activitymanager(  958): anr in (  e/activitymanager(  958): pid: 655  e/activitymanager(  958): reason: input dispatching timed out (waiting because no window has focus there focused application may add window when finishes starting up.) 


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