bash - how to use alternate vt100 character sets -

according esc+)+0 make g0 set sequence table used or something. seems provide description of characters should appear when "table" in use. eg.

<?php echo "\x1b)0" . chr(0147)  

...should result in ± appearing on console understand it. no ± appearing. instead what's appearing g.

so it's not entirely clear me how use in cli environment make ± appear.

any ideas?

try ( instead of ):

<?php echo "\x1b(0" . chr(0147) ?> 

( sets charset used in default "g0" slot, whereas ) effects "g1" slot. shift-in/shift-out escape sequences switch between 2 slots.

in mean time, recommend forget legacy stuff , use proper stateless utf-8 , ± sign.


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