c# - 'System.UriFormatException' for 'WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri()' when authorizing SharpBox in Windows Phone 8 -

i want open web let user allow app access files. code here:

    config = cloudstorage.getcloudconfigurationeasy(nsupportedcloudconfigurations.dropbox) dropboxconfiguration;     requesttoken = dropboxstorageprovidertools.getdropboxrequesttoken(config, "xxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyyy");     authorizationurl = dropboxstorageprovidertools.getdropboxauthorizationurl(config, requesttoken);      uri requesturi = new uri(authorizationurl);     debug.writeline("done requesturi");      uri callbackuri = webauthenticationbroker.getcurrentapplicationcallbackuri();     debug.writeline("done callbackuri");      webauthenticationresult result = await webauthenticationbroker.authenticateasync(webauthenticationoptions.none, requesturi, callbackuri);     if (result.responsestatus == webauthenticationstatus.success)     {          icloudstorageaccesstoken accesstoken = dropboxstorageprovidertools.exchangedropboxrequesttokenintoaccesstoken(config, "7nu03leznnz6x74", "ex3gge8av7kp9lq", requesttoken);     } 

with these instances declared before constructor():

    static dropboxrequesttoken requesttoken;     static dropboxconfiguration config;     string authorizationurl; 

when run it, have exception a first chance exception of type 'system.uriformatexception' occurred in system.ni.dll @ uri callbackuri = webauthenticationbroker.getcurrentapplicationcallbackuri(); line.

and if change uri callbackuri string uri callbackuri = new uri("https://google.com");

it works fine todebug.writeline("done callbackuri"); new exception occurs:

an exception of type 'system.io.filenotfoundexception' occurred in mscorlib.ni.dll , wasn't handled before managed/native boundary in line:

webauthenticationresult result = await webauthenticationbroker.authenticateasync(webauthenticationoptions.none, requesturi, callbackuri);

so did wrong? want make callback call app after opening web authorizing.

thank you.


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