dynamics crm 2011 - The given key is not present in the dictionary -

hi trying fetch accounts crm 2011. fetching data in entitycollection . when trying read or access data entitycollection displayed first record throwing error after record. kindly have below code , suggest me.

  string fetch2 = @"                           <fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform'      mapping='logical' distinct='false'>       <entity name='account'>       <attribute name='name' />       <attribute name='address1_city' />       <attribute name='primarycontactid' />       <attribute name='telephone1' />       <attribute name='accountid' />       <order attribute='name' descending='false' />       <filter type='and'>          <condition attribute='accounttype' operator='eq' value='01' />      </filter>      </entity>      </fetch>";          try         {             entitycollection fxresult = _service.retrievemultiple(new  fetchexpression(fetch2));             foreach (var e in fxresult.entities)             {                 console.writeline("id:{0},name:{1},city:{2}", e.attributes  ["accountid"].tostring(), e.attributes["name"].tostring(), e.attributes["address1_city"].tostring());                // console.writeline("id:{0},name:{1},city:{2}", e.toentity["accountid"]);             }         }         catch (exception e)         {             console.writeline("error:==" + e.message);         } 

before access attribute need ask if in context:


if collection contains attribute, can access safe.

string accountid = (string)e.attributes["address1_city"] 

the reason attribute doesn't come in collection it's because null or not retrieving it. in case maybe, 1 of attributes null. maybe address1_city.


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