ios - Why does the title of a UITabBarItem become "Item" when it's properly set in the storyboard? -

i have tab bar app 4 views. 1 of views (notes) uitableview embedded in uinavigationcontroller (since "note" uiviewcontroller can show , edit cell details)

i have built of in layout editor avoid assumptions segues , controllers. have added title , image attributes relevant uiviewcontrollers (and in case of uitableview uinavigationcontroller.)

the image , title of "notes" tab shows in layout editor, , other 3 tabs show fine when app runs, when app runs title note tab replaced string "item". odd thing image shows fine. if segue straight uitableviewcontroller works - of course need navigationcontroller tableview - that's no help.

here's relevant xib code:

   <!--notes navigation-->     <scene sceneid="gso-qg-y5n">         <objects>             <navigationcontroller id="q9r-oo-lqa" userlabel="notes navigation" scenememberid="viewcontroller">                 <tabbaritem key="tabbaritem" tag="1" title="notes" image="note" id="gfr-se-ggb" userlabel="notes"/>                 <navigationbar key="navigationbar" contentmode="scaletofill" id="ono-5q-vao">                     <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="320" height="44"/>                     <autoresizingmask key="autoresizingmask"/>                 </navigationbar>                 <connections>                     <segue destination="scr-y6-ymj" kind="relationship" relationship="rootviewcontroller" id="vnz-pl-fkb"/>                 </connections>             </navigationcontroller>             <placeholder placeholderidentifier="ibfirstresponder" id="bvb-jz-wuu" userlabel="first responder" scenememberid="firstresponder"/>         </objects>         <point key="canvaslocation" x="-523" y="2538"/>     </scene> 

it's title="notes" tabbaritem attribute that's not being honored. image="note" being honored. can't problem layout being corrupted since xib code looks perfect - i'm stumped.

as said - functions - it's title being displayed "item" that's problem.

in meantime, suppose i'm going have set title in code. being developed in swift xcode 6.3.

where proper place put in app?

i think tabbaritem acquiring default title of navigation controller shows "item" when add 1 in storyboard. tried new tab bar adding uinavigationcontroller item.

to set title want, click on uinavigationcontroller in storyboard , set title field in attribute inspector title want. tab bar use title when run it.

this not same navigation item title title on navigation bar.

see: self.title sets navigationcontroller , tabbaritem's title? why?


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