javascript - Try to add wookmark layout in angularjs app -
i trying add wookmark layout in angular js app .if there no infinity scroll fine when added angularjs infinity scroll wookmark layout not working means when scroll layout not apply .
my infinity scroll function code -
$scope.onload = function() { $scope.paramurl = $location.url(); $scope.apiurl = $scope.apiurl+$scope.paramurl; if ($scope.paramurl) { $http({method: 'get',url:$scope.apiurl}).success(function(data) { $scope.productdata =; $scope.qitem = data; }); } else { $http({method: 'get', url: $scope.url}).success(function(data) { $scope.productdata =; }); }
and jquery wookmark code -
$(window).load(function() { settimeout(function() { (function ($){ var handler = $('#tiles li'); handler.wookmark({ autoresize: true, container: $('#main_pro_content'), offset: 11, outeroffset: 0, itemwidth: 200, fillemptyspace: true }); })(jquery); }, 500);
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