java - How to add information to a sqlite database and then display the information using javafx? -

public static void addtoqueuetable(patient p) {      try {          // open connection database         conn = connectionfactory.getconnection();          // create statement         stmt = conn.createstatement();          string sql = "insert queuetime values('" + p.getnhsnumber()                 + "', current_timestamp)";          // execute update         stmt.executeupdate(sql);      } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         system.out.println("error on building data");     } {         // close open resources in database         dbutil.close(stmt);         dbutil.close(conn);     }  } 

the above code add details (nhsnumber , current timestamp) database - wondering how display using javafx?

patient class follows:

    public patient(string nhsnumber, string firstname,             string lastname, string postcode) {         super(nhsnumber,firstname, lastname                 , postcode);      } 

with javafx able display details (see below), i'm not sure how can timestamp database well? appreciated!

    public class queuetabpagecontroller implements initializable {      @fxml     private tableview<patient> tableview;      @fxml     private tablecolumn<patient, string> firstnamecolumn;      @fxml     private tablecolumn<patient, string> lastnamecolumn;      @fxml     private tablecolumn<patient, string> postcodecolumn;      @fxml     private queuetabpagecontroller queuetabpagecontroller;      private observablelist<patient> tabledata;      // public static linkedlist<patient> displayqueue;      @override     public void initialize(url arg0, resourcebundle arg1) {          assert tableview != null : "fx:id=\"tableview\" not injected: check fxml file 'fxmlqueuetabpage.fxml'";          firstnamecolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<patient, string>("firstname"));         lastnamecolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<patient, string>("lastname"));         postcodecolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<patient, string>("postcode"));      }      @fxml     private void btnrefreshqueueclick(actionevent event) throws ioexception{         displayqueue(queue.queue);     }      public void displayqueue(linkedlist<patient> queue) {         tabledata = fxcollections.observablearraylist(queue);         tableview.setitems(tabledata);     }  }       // open connection database         conn = connectionfactory.getconnection();          // create statement         stmt = conn.createstatement();          // result set pull information database         resultset rs = stmt                 .executequery("select * queuetime nhsnumber = '"                         + p.getnhsnumber() + "'");          while ( {              // convert timestamp string             string ts = rs.getstring("timestamp");               // print result set             system.out.print(ts + "\t"); 

it's easiest if store timestamp datetime numeric database field. converted int*8 bytes = long

import java.sql.connection; import java.sql.drivermanager; import java.sql.resultset; import java.sql.statement; import; import javafx.application.application; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.collections.fxcollections; import javafx.collections.observablelist; import javafx.scene.scene; import javafx.scene.control.tablecolumn; import javafx.scene.control.tableview; import javafx.stage.stage;  public class sqlite extends application {      public static void main(string[] args) {         launch(args);     }      @override     public void start(stage stage) throws exception {         observablelist<person> data = fxcollections.observablearraylist();         tableview<person> tv = new tableview<>(data);         stage.setscene(new scene(tv,500,200));;         tablecolumn<person, integer> id = new tablecolumn<>("id");         id.setcellvaluefactory((p) -> p.getvalue().id.asobject());          tablecolumn<person, string> name = new tablecolumn<>("name");         name.setcellvaluefactory((p) -> p.getvalue().name);          tablecolumn<person, number> epoch = new tablecolumn<>("epoch");         epoch.setcellvaluefactory((p) -> p.getvalue().epoch);          tablecolumn<person, string> tstamp = new tablecolumn<>("tstamp");         tstamp.setcellvaluefactory((p) -> new readonlystringwrapper(                 new date(p.getvalue().epoch.get().longvalue()).tostring()));          tv.getcolumns().addall(id,name,epoch,tstamp);          try (connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:sqlite:testtime.db");                 statement stmt = con.createstatement();) {             stmt.executeupdate("drop table if exists test ");             stmt.executeupdate("create table test "                     + "(id     number primary key not null,"                     + " name   text, "                     + " epoch  datetime)");             stmt.executeupdate("insert test values"                     + "(1,'my name', " + system.currenttimemillis() + ")");             resultset rs = stmt.executequery("select * test");             while ( {                 data.add(new person(rs.getint("id"),                                      rs.getstring("name"),                                      rs.getlong("epoch")));             }             rs.close();          } catch (exception ex) {             ex.printstacktrace();             system.exit(0);         }      }      class person{         simpleintegerproperty id;         simplestringproperty name;         objectproperty<number> epoch;          public person(int id, string name, long epoch) {    = new simpleintegerproperty(id);    = new simplestringproperty(name);             this.epoch = new simpleobjectproperty<>(epoch);         }      } } 


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