Lisp loading error: undefined character in dispatch macro -
i decided birthday time try , fix lisp problems.
i've received lisp program run experiment. works on os x environment. however, can't run on either windows 7 or ubuntu. program uses act-r 6.2 run model. when try load .lisp file receive following error:
:reader error on #<basic-file-character-input-stream ("*path*"/28 utf-8)#xcfad1ae, near position 1048, within "smile* (#initwithco": undefined character #\/ in #\# dispatch macro. while executing: ccl:signal-reader-error, in process listener(1)
the error exact same windows 7 , ubuntu. here console output if required:
it seems load-turing-application.lisp loads multiple other files, 1 of turing-application-v1.lisp, in line (setf *smile* (#/initwithcontentsoffile: (#/alloc ns:ns-image)(ccl::%make-nsstring "smiley.jpg")))
seems culprit. suspect has #/-notation.
any ideas appreciated.
this answered in comments, #/ ccl syntax available on os x. code not expected work on linux or windows.
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