java - Why isn't my method noticing what is being help by a spot in a 2d array? -
so writing program allow book seat on flight. asks user how many rows available, makes 2d array 4 columns , how ever many rows user specifies. program prompts user choose how man seats wants , row , column wants seats be. change value of position in array form "-" "x". works beautifuly, i'm running issues when trying use method cancel reserved seating. have props user, if wants cancel seat , how many, row , column wants cancle. checks see if spot in array has value of "-" or "x" if has "-" displays message saying need input seat reserved , if has "x" changes "-" show open. reason if put in position take or has "x" value says there isn't, did wrong?
here code:
this cancle method
public void cancleseat(string[][] sc, string can, int c, int r, int seats, int an){ fillarray(sc); if (can.equals("no")){ system.out.println("ok, no cancelations you!"); } else if (can.equals("yes")){ system.out.println("how many seats cancel?"); = scanner.nextint(); (int = 0; < an; i++){ system.out.println("what row seat in cancle?"); r = scanner.nextint(); r = r - 1; system.out.println("what colum seat in cancle?"); c = scanner.nextint(); c = c -1; if (sc[r][c].equals("-")){ system.out.println("that seat isn't researved pleas pick different seat"); system.out.println("what row seat in cancle?"); r = scanner.nextint(); r = r - 1; system.out.println("what colum seat in cancle?"); c = scanner.nextint(); c = c - 1; } else if (sc[r][c].equals("x") || sc[r][c].equals("x")){ sc[r][c] = "-"; } } } }
and using call in driver class.
system.out.println("would canlce reservations?"); cancle =; seeting cancler = new seeting(numseatsbooking, row, colum, cancle, openseats, answer); cancler.cancleseat(seetingchart, cancle, colum, row, numseatsbooking, answer);
any appreciated! thanks
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