objective c - how to create a json object in ios -

i want post value in json format server stuck json format. have searched alot on google still didnt exact format.

{      "accountid": "14",     "order_items": [         {         "item_id": "5",         "quantity": "4 kg",         "price": " 69.99"        },        {          "item_id": "6",         "quantity": "6 kg",         "price": " 79.99"         }     ] } 

i tried following code:

nsdictionary *dict=@{@"item_id" : itemide,                      @"quantity" : @"10",                      @"price" : @"100"};   nsdictionary *dictionary = @{@"accountid" : @"14",                              @"order_items" : dict};  nserror *error; nsdata *postdata = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:dictionary                                                            options:0                                                              error:&error];  if (error)     nslog(@"failure serialize json object %@", error);  nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://api.lococo.in/orders"]; nsmutableurlrequest* request = [nsmutableurlrequest requestwithurl:url                                                             cachepolicy:nsurlrequestreloadignoringlocalcachedata                                                            timeoutinterval:180.0];  [request sethttpmethod:@"post"]; [request setvalue:@"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" forhttpheaderfield:@"content-type"]; [request setvalue:@"agdhfgh243sfs" forhttpheaderfield:@"x-auth-user"]; [request setvalue:@"abcgdg#dg" forhttpheaderfield:@"x-auth-token"]; [request sethttpbody:postdata]; 

please me it. how in above format?

you missing order_items array.

nsdictionary* item1 = @{ @"item_id": @"5", @"quantity": @"4 kg", @"price": @" 69.99" }; nsdictionary* item2 = @{ @"item_id": @"6", @"quantity": @"6 kg", @"price": @"79.99" };  nsarray* orderitems = @[item1, item2]; nsdictionary* order = @{ @"accountid": @"24", @"order_items": orderitems }; 

and that's pass nsjsonserialization.


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