c++ - Issues when compiling a TCL-DLL wrapper -

i working project trying read data oculus rift sensors in tcl-module using project found @ github (it tcl-dll wrapper):

link: https://github.com/myzb/oculusvr-cmdll

i have never compiled dll-file before , having issues when try compile project in visual studio 2013. these errors shows up:

c2491: 'tclovr_init' : definition of dllimport function not allowed c2491: 'tclovr_unload' : definition of dllimport function not allowed 

do have idea of might have missed?

thanks in advance!

sincerely, marcus

those 2 functions need both exported dll , have c linkage (so have name in dll tcl load command implementation expects). defining oculusvrcmdll_exports preprocessor symbol when building? changes declarations being dllimport dllexport


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