vba - Error converting Excel range to Jpeg and inserting into Outlook -
i have code convert range in excel 2010 jpeg , insert outlook 2010. code converts range chart , creates jpeg. jpeg corrupted , show chart in background behind range attempting show. here example:
here code this:
sub mail_as_pic() dim tempfilepath string dim outapp outlook.application dim outmail outlook.mailitem on error resume next kill tempfilepath & "quota.jpg" dim sh worksheet set sh = sheets("strategic") 'create new microsoft outlook session set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") 'create new message set outmail = outapp.createitem(olmailitem) outmail .sentonbehalfofname = "me@me.com" .display .subject = "strategic sales" .to = "me@me.com" call createjpg("strategic", "a1:f11", "quota") 'this runs macro below , creates jpeg tempfilepath = environ$("temp") & "\" .attachments.add tempfilepath & "quota.jpg", olbyvalue, 0 'we attached embedded image position @ 0 (makes attachment hidden) '.attachments.add 'then add html <img src=''> link image 'note can customize width , height - not mandatory '<br><br> return or line space .htmlbody = "<br>" _ & "attached please find strategic sales month." _ & "<br><br>" _ & "please reach out me questions." _ & "<br><br>" _ & "<img src='cid:quota.jpg'" & "width=width height=heigth><br><br>" _ & "<br><br>" _ & "thank you," _ & .htmlbody .display '.send end kill tempfilepath & "quota.jpg" set sh = nothing set outapp = nothing set outmail = nothing end sub sub createjpg(namesheet string, namerange string, namefile string) thisworkbook.activate worksheets(namesheet).activate set plage = nothing set plage = thisworkbook.worksheets(namesheet).range(namerange) plage.copypicture thisworkbook.worksheets(namesheet).chartobjects.add(plage.left, plage.top, plage.width, plage.height) .activate .chart.paste .chart.export environ$("temp") & "\" & namefile & ".jpg", "jpg" end worksheets(namesheet).chartobjects(worksheets(namesheet).chartobjects.count).delete set plage = nothing end sub
i using code in several workbook, 1 of creates jpeg 2 separate ranges. 1 of conversions works every time, other creates , error every time. both converting data pivot table.
i've been trying solve time no luck. appreciated.
the issue created when trying convert more 1 table picture. solution create each table own jpeg, , insert each jpeg email.
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