Android Studio doesn't start, fails saying components not installed -
i have installed latest version of android studio google. after launching it, tries download packages.
after while shows following error.
the following sdk components not installed: extra-android-m2repository, tools, addon-google_apis-google-21, android-21, sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-21, source-21, extra-google-m2repository
i couldn't rectify error, though pressed retry multiple times.
anyone can suggest solution!
i had been facing similar problem in windows 7 , got below problems while running android-studio shortcut start programs menu first time.
solution : run administrator
the problem due write permission in windows c:
drive , access denied
message displayed. running program administrator downloads necessary components , can start android studio ide.
these permission issues doesn't seem exist in android studio latest versions(checked in 1.3.2 in windows 10) , works without "run administrator" commands. if still have problem old/latest versions might firewall , proxy issues. in case check out other answers.
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