python - Lennard Jones interaction between particles. Particles moving to one point -

import numpy np import random import pygame background_colour = (255,255,255) width, height = 300, 325 eps = 1 sigma = 1 dt = 0.05  class particle():     def __init__(self):         self.x = random.uniform(0,400)         self.y = random.uniform(0,500)         self.vx = random.uniform(-.1,.1)         self.vy = random.uniform(-.1,.1)         self.fx = 0         self.fy = 0         self.m = 1         self.size = 10         self.colour = (0, 0, 255)         self.thickness = 0      def bounce(self):         if self.x > width - self.size:             self.x = 2*(width - self.size) - self.x          elif self.x < self.size:             self.x = 2*self.size - self.x          if self.y > height - self.size:             self.y = 2*(height - self.size) - self.y          elif self.y < self.size:             self.y = 2*self.size - self.y     def getforce(self, p2):         dx = self.x - p2.x         dy = self.y - p2.y         self.fx = 500*(-8*eps*((3*sigma**6*dx/(dx**2+dy**2)**4 - 6*sigma**12*dx/(dx**2+dy**2)**7)))         self.fy = 500*(-8*eps*((3*sigma**6*dy/(dx**2+dy**2)**4 - 6*sigma**12*dy/(dx**2+dy**2)**7)))         return self.fx, self.fy      def verletupdate(self,dt):         self.x = self.x + dt*self.vx+0.5*dt**2*self.fx/self.m         self.y = self.y + dt*self.vy+0.5*dt**2*self.fy/self.m     def display(self):, self.colour, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.size, self.thickness) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) screen.fill(background_colour)   partlist = [] k in range(10):     partlist.append(particle())  running = true while running:     event in pygame.event.get():         if event.type == pygame.quit:             running = false     screen.fill(background_colour)      k, particle in enumerate(partlist):         p2 in partlist[k+1:]:             particle.getforce(p2)         particle.verletupdate(dt)         particle.bounce()         particle.display()      pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit() 

is code correct? tried simulate particles in 2d move lennard jones forces. think calculating forces works okay why particles moving 1 point? ocasionally error overflowerror: python int large convert c long advice useful.

i can not comment on physics of simulation, far display concerned following observations:

your particles move 1 point because update condition x , y parameter in code in verletupdate moving values beyond display area. values out of range of int() function causing error. can see statement:

def verletupdate(self,dt):     self.x = self.x + dt*self.vx+0.5*dt**2*self.fx/self.m     self.y = self.y + dt*self.vy+0.5*dt**2*self.fy/self.m     print self.x     print self.y 

sample output:

290.034892392 9.98686293664 290.028208837 9.99352484332 -2.55451579742e+19 1.12437640586e+19 

also saturate , iterations, update gets smaller , smaller:

def display(self):           print ' %s + %s '%(self.x,self.y) , self.colour, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.size, self.thickness) 


 10.0009120033 + 10.0042647307   10.0009163718 + 10.0000322065   10.0009120033 + 10.0042647307   10.0009163718 + 10.0000322065   ...  10.0009163718 + 10.0000322065   10.0009120033 + 10.0042647307   10.0009163718 + 10.0000322065  

this why bounce functions , limit checking not working. , after lot of iterations on occasion self.x , self.y far exceeding limits of int().

the code seems fine, can rid of overflow error adding checks above draw line. instance initialized them randomly again simulate particle going off screen , tracking new one. feel free change it.

   def display(self):           if(self.x<0 or self.x>height):               self.__init__()               print "reset"           if(self.y<0 or self.y>width):               self.__init__()               print "reset"           print ' %s + %s '%(self.x,self.y) , self.colour, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.size, self.thickness) 

also @ 1 point adress array [k+1:], , addressing 0 element caused divide 0 error. might want @ that.


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