How to use an array of strings to handle the cases in a switch statement in C#? -
i have array
public static string[] commands = { "command1", "command2", "command3", "command4", "command5", "command6", "command7" };
i want use array in function
public static bool startcommand (string commandname) { //stuff if (commandname == commands[0]) { //stuff return true; } else { //stuff switch (commandname) { case commands [1]: //stuff break; case commands [2]: //stuff break; case commands [3]: //stuff break; case commands [4]: //stuff break; case commands [5]: //stuff break; case commands [6]: //stuff break; default: return false; } //do stuff return true; } }
the error giving me "a constant value expected" each of cases.
i use if , else statements, think switch statement looks better this.
unless i've missed mark, array of constant strings, should work. appreciated. sorry if newb question, i've been programming c# 4 days.
what you're looking dictionary<tkey, tvalue>
type. dictionary
collection of key-value pairs, can take advantage of you're attempting achieve.
using example you've given, implementation this:
dictionary<string, action> commandsdictionary = new dictionary<string, action>(); commandsdictionary.add("command1", () => console.writeline("command 1 invoked")); commandsdictionary.add("command2", () => console.writeline("command 2 invoked")); commandsdictionary["command2"].invoke(); // command 2 invoked
as you'll have noticed, i've introduced action delegate without parameters.
to introduce parameter, specify type argument, this: action<int>
dictionary<string, action<int>> commandsdictionary = new dictionary<string, action<int>>(); commandsdictionary.add("command1", (i) => console.writeline("command {0} invoked", i)); commandsdictionary["command1"].invoke(1); // command 1 invoked
if want return value delegate you're invoking, use func
delegate, easy remember rule func
last type parameter type being returned, func<int, string>
equivalent method following signature public string foo(int i)
dictionary<string, func<int, string>> commandsdictionary = new dictionary<string, func<int, string>>(); commandsdictionary.add("command1", (i) => { return string.format("let's funky {0}", i); }); string result = commandsdictionary["command1"].invoke(56963); console.writeline (result); // let's funky 56963
i've added section aid not yet know delegate is... it's rather simple.
a delegate
represents references methods. they're variables declare reference objects, except instead of objects, reference methods.
a delegate can instantiated named method or anonymous function such lambda expression (which type i've demonstrated above).
the action delegate
the action
has return type of void , defines signature type parameters.
void example() { // named method this.namedactiondelegate = namedmethod; this.namedactiondelegate.invoke("hi", 5); // output > named said: hi 5 // anonymous function > lambda this.anonymousactiondelegate.invoke("foooo", 106); // output > anonymous said: foooo 106 } public action<string, int> namedactiondelegate { get; set; } public action<string, int> anonymousactiondelegate = (text, digit) => console.writeline ("anonymous said: {0} {1}", text, digit); public void namedmethod(string text, int digit) { console.writeline ("named said: {0} {1}", text, digit); }
the func delegate
the func
similar action delegate difference being func never returns void , require @ least 1 type argument , mentioned earlier, type argument specified last dictates return type of delegate.
void example() { // named method this.namedfuncdelegate = namedmethod; string namedresult = this.namedfuncdelegate.invoke(5); console.writeline (namedresult); // output > named said: 5 // anonymous function > lambda string anonyresult = this.anonymousfuncdelegate.invoke(106); console.writeline (anonyresult); // output > anonymous said: 106 } public func<int, string> namedfuncdelegate { get; set; } public func<int, string> anonymousfuncdelegate = (digit) => { return string.format("anonymous said: {0}", digit); }; public string namedmethod(int digit) { return string.format ("named said: {0}", digit); }
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