git - Uncompressing zlib file in command line -

this question has answer here:

when git stores snapshot of file, stores object called blob.

this compressed using zlib..see; either blind or doesn't explain how file blob uncompressed in fist place (while else explained if noob)

how extract , view contents of blob ? of results googling applied uncompressing within scripts/programs, not manual/cl:

deflate command line tool,

i looking single one-line command line way on single file.

thanks in advance!

(even if question sounds duplicate, barrage of answers in other link no way accurate 1 here. think thread should kept alive or answer posted there others non-convoluted way deflate)

use git cat-file -p sha1 view file content of blob.

the content of file this: blob xxx null content


a.txt contain hello world

the content of sha-1 is:

blob 11\000hello world , strign gzipped

if on unix u can use deflate content:
perl -mcompress::zlib -e 'undef $/; print uncompress(<>)'


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