How to choose a perfect color for a simple personal portfolio? -
i wanted make simple portfolio website. don't > understand color. color can used? tried make > black , white color combination don't understand others > color combination
the colors on site's homepage can have profound impact on visitor, if know how use them. color combinations use design portfolio page depend on kind of industry working in?
for instance, there reason why logos , sites of fast food makers (from macdonalds pizza-hut) have liberal usage of yellow , red colors. see, red , yellow being warm colors, have stimulating effect subconsciously. research has shown yellow known affect hunger/appetite.
similarly, banks, insurance , legal services make use of white, blue , green colors. these cold colors , have exact opposite effect of calming down.
so, keeping color psychology in mind, have choose primary color, secondary color contrast it, , accent color. keep in shoes of site's audience, , should have no problems selecting them!
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