jquery - Handling 500 Internal server error using Selenium2Library in Robot -
i using robot framework selenium2library automate web application , while executing smoke suite experienced frequent error says "error! requested url returned 500 - internal server error" when test script performing below actions:
- when script clicks links disableuser, reset password etc open confirmation dialog box.
- when script selects option drop down opens dialogbox
- when script clicks on exportlink open dialog box save file etc..
the script throws 'unexpectedalertpresentexception' these above scenarios when pop appears internal server error...
when cross verified same scenario manually i.e. clicked on same link launch dialog box disable user account , got internal server error popup on top of disable user dialog box , when cicked ok on error popup, disable user dialog box still spinning , fields not displayed on dialog.
i know if there way handle internal server alert popup , proceed further because rest of test cases fail because of not handling alert.
thanks in advance.
you can handle exceptions this:
${status} ${value} = run keyword , ignore error click link myerrorlink run keyword unless '${status}' == 'pass' click link closedialogue run keyword if '${status}' == 'pass' click link proceed
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