c# - How to pass generic in an interface (nested generics) -

i don't know whether i'm approaching right angle or not, either way can't find syntax works.

i want pass 3 generic types method - there i'll use reflection create objects when need them. object i'm passing generic.

it sort of sounds nested generics.

let's create interface:

    public interface iagent<trequest, tclient, tresponse>     {     } 

i have class implements iagent:

public class myclass : iagent<?> 

then want call method this:

public method mymethod<t>(t obj) t : iagent<?> {     // somethings here } 


here's @ class level.

public sealed class t3agent     : appagent<t3requestadapter, t3webclient, t3responseadapter> { }  public abstract class appagent<trequest, tclient, tresponse>     trequest : iagentrequestadapter     tclient : customwebclient     tresponse : iagentresponseadapter {     public appresponse submit(iappform appform, servicelog log)     {     } }  public sealed class appmanager {     public appresponse submit()     {         var t3 = new t3agent();         var t3result = t3.submit(form, log);          return t3result;     } } 

in final method, instantiate new class (t3agent), tightly coupled t3. want able instantiate appagent once , pass required generic types through method rather class, can reuse class.

i think have 2 options:

  1. if have work generic class t agent<t> have know type anyway have put in generic declaration (see typeneeded() method below)
  2. if not necessary, split interface in not generic , in generic interface , let iagent<t> extend iagent (iagent<t>: iagent). can create method without know type iagent<t> (see method dosomething())

    public interface iagent {     void action( );     int calculate( ); }  public interface iagent< t > : iagent {   void set( t value ); }  public class myclass {     public void dosomething< t >( t agent ) t : iagent     {         //...     }      public void typeneeded< t, v >( t agent ) t : iagent<v>     {        } } 


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